Tips to Match Handbags with Outfits: What’s Cool, What’s Not

red woman's handbag

Staying up-to-date on all the latest trends can be a tricky job today as social media and celebrities continue to change our style and clothing inspirations almost daily. As a retailer, it’s even more important that you meet this demand if you’d like to see products flying off of your shelf.

Staging outfits and helping shoppers through the buying process is important for landing sales. One great way to move the chances of multiple items being sold in a transaction is to combine them in a way that is trendy and calls for attention.

Here are some tips when it comes to matching outfits with handbags.

Matching Isn’t Always Necessary

Many people falsely believe a black or brown handbag is the safest bet to carry around since it will “match” anything they wear. Others think they should own a handbag in every color so they can change it with every outfit for an exact match. Nothing can be farther from the truth. In fact, too much matching can even come off as tacky and create a negative effect when it comes to fashion. Mixing patterns and colors done right however gives the perfect balance to an outfit and can be very appealing to the eyes.

Consider the Occasion

Are you heading out for a day of errands? Or dressed for a formal dance? These details matter when you’re selecting the best handbag to use. For more formal occasions you may be more concerned with matching and keeping things elegant. A rhinestone clutch or small satin bag is always a safe option. However if you’re out for a day of errands, it’s easy to grab an oversized bag made of jersey material where you can throw in items you need throughout the day and have easy access to them.

Going on a date? Want your outfit to make a statement? Consider choosing a handbag with a pop of color if your clothes are monotone. Or a bag with studs and accents.

Don’t Be Afraid to be Unique

There’s an unwritten rule in fashion that transcends time: Being yourself and unique is always cool. No matter the occasion, what you’re wearing or the pattern on your handbag, if you’re confident about yourself and your fashion choices, no one can scoff at the choices. In fact, this is how many trends get started.

At Best Handbag Wholesale we carry inventory that’s up to date, trendy and priced low enough to still leave room for profit.

Shop our wholesale handbag selection now!

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