E-commerce Tip: How Chatbots Can Help with Sales


If you work with customers, especially online, then you’ve likely heard of chatbots. These applications mimic the help that a human can provide in a more efficient and cost effective way. Call centers and customer care have used the technology for years to help with everything from password changes to scheduling appointments and performing balance inquires.

Today, chatbots have become far more sophisticated and are being used by companies as a way to improve experiences by providing personalized, timely care that customers have come to expect.

Chatbots for Ecommerce

As an ecommerce, getting consumers to shop your site is critical. With chatbots of today you can get closer to your customers and offer them services they favor using artificial intelligence.  Chat bots can offer automated responses that answer customer questions in a natural way. As customers feel at ease using the site or app and trust they’ll get the help they need should something come up, it will translate to dollars spent.

Improving Sales

Chatbots aren’t just a tool for responding to routine questions. They’re also an important interaction point with customers. Studies show that more and more people favor quick, convenient online communications versus having to talk to reps and they particularly favor those that can respond quickly and with some humor or other human feeling to the conversation. With engagement rates on the rise and businesses cutting costs, we’re likely to see chatbots have a permanent place in e-commerce.

At Best Handbag Wholesale we understand how tough and competitive the retail landscape and be. When it comes to women’s fashion, our goal is to offer the finest accessories, handbags and western fashion items at low wholesale prices. The goal is to keep your customers and your margins happy. Shop Now!

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