You Can’t Fake Fashion 2013

you can't fake fashion

Counterfeiting is a multi-billion dollar global industry. Designers work hard to create their brand and become successful. With the counterfeiting business becoming so big, it is even harder for designers to sell their products when others make low-quality fakes for a fraction of the price. With so many people willing to spend less on a fake to give the illusion of fashion, the CFDA and eBay have teamed up to create the “You Can’t Fake Fashion” campaign.Ralph Lauren

In a recent study, almost 75 percent of women admitted that they have knowingly purchased a counterfeit designer fashion item. The billion dollar counterfeit industry will continue to strive with three out of every four women buying fake designer products. The most popular fake items that women buy are handbags and wallets. To try and combat the counterfeit industry, the CFDA and eBay have partnered to raise awareness against buying counterfeit goods and celebrating original design.

The website eBay is the world’s largest online marketplace and consistently partners with brands, retailers, and law enforcement to battle the global counterfeit trade. EBay understands that counterfeit items damage consumer trust and hurt the hundreds of thousands of businesses and stores that sell authentic goods on their marketplace. This understanding has helped eBay become great partners with the CFDA to create the “You Can’t Fake Fashion” campaign.rag and bone

Together, they have brought in 90 of America’s best designers that include Ralph Lauren, Diane von Furstenberg, and rag & bone to each customize a canvas tote to create a one-of-a-kind bag. All of the designers infused their personality, originality, and creativity into every bad that celebrates original design. The bags are available at auction right now on eBay, starting at $100. There is also a standard “You Can’t Fake Fashion” tote available for $50.

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