Retailer Tips: Targeting Upcoming Shoppers & Gen Z

Gen Z shopper

Every few years the focus shifts on different power buyers: The population of consumer’s spending money and dictating the bottom line.  While baby boomers were once the demographic to watch, that changed a few years back to focus on the millennial buyer. Today that target is moving quickly and retailers are looking at a whole new type of consumer with buying power entering the market: Gen Z.

These buyers a unique from those of the past because they have grown up their entire lives in a technologically advanced world. The Internet and even mobile devices are important to their everyday life and they have greater expectations when it comes to using those tools for shopping over past generations.

As a retailer, you’ll need to be prepared before these power buyers enter to the market. Here are some ways you can start targeting this important up and coming consumer while they are shopping your store.

Mobile is a Must

As mentioned previously, Gen Z has been using mobile devices since they were toddlers. The ability to browse through apps and use technology when shopping is innate. So your basic mobile app that currently compliments your brick and mortar location or even you website, will no longer cut it.

Focus on Personalization

In addition to functionality, Gen Z is also big on personalization. They expect offerings presented to them to be intuitive of their needs and desires. Random offers will only hurt customer service. To deliver this level of personalization, you’ll need to employ technologies that test and analyze data about your shoppers to know exactly what to offer and when.

Provide Easy Checkout

If there is one thing Gen Z desires more than anything it’s convenient and easy solutions to their shopping needs. This generation has an even shorter attention span and will quickly abandon a cart if they are waiting too long to check out. It’s your job as a retailer to make that process as easy as possible –in-store and online.

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