The Cold Hard Facts on your Favorite Warm Weather Footwear


Summer time means it is flip-flop season. It would be difficult to find someone who doesn’t own a pair of flip-flops. They are comfortable, keep your feet cool in warm weather, and they show off a girl’s new pedicure. While flip-flops are the ultimate comfortable footwear product, they shouldn’t be worn for every occasion. To prevent sore feet and injury, be mindful of when you wear them.

When choosing a pair of flip-flops this summer, make sure you find the right style for your feet and know when and when not to wear them.

How to choose Flip-Flops

• Look for high-quality, soft leather material. This will minimize the risk of blisters and other skin irritations. Vinyl or rubber style flip-flops are more likely to irritate youFlip Flopsr feet.

• Choose a pair of flip-flops that have soles that bend at the ball of the foot. If you can bend the sole completely in half or wring it like a wet rag, you won’t be getting the proper support.

• The thong part of the flip-flops should fit comfortably, it shouldn’t be too loose or too snug. Straps that are too tight can rub and cause blisters. If they are too loose, you could slip out of the them, resulting in injury.

• Your foot should fit perfectly on the sole. Your heel should not hang off the back, nor your toes off the front.

When not to wear Flip-Flops

When doing yard work – If you are mowing the lawn or working in the garden, you should wear shoes that cover and protect your entire foot.

On long walks – When you know you will be doing a lot of walking, opt for a good walking shoe. Even the sturdiest flip-flops won’t offer the sufficient arch support and shock absorption needed for extended walking.

Playing sports – Whenever you are playing a sport, you should be wearing the proper footwear. Choose a shoe or cleat that is designed for the sport you are playing. Flip-flops will not provide enough support or protection that you need during competitive sports. You will be risking serious foot or ankle injury if you play with flip-flops on.

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